Knowledge Center

Lithium Metal Battery Installation and Return Shipment Instructions

Download these instructions for printing Digi-Stem® DST300, DST400, DST500, DST600, DSP Series and the HSICBB-P Portable Ambient Blackbody units are powered by Lithium Metal Batteries. Transportation regulations require that products powered by Lithium Metal batteries are shipped without the battery installed, with the exception of the HSICBB-P, which has a power switch and must be […]

TM and TMA Meters & Probes

Wahl TM Series meters ( TM612 and TM630) underwent a product line upgrade in 2016 that changed the standard connector on these meters. The original meters (part numbers TM612 an TM630) are dark gray and blue, with a light gray protective rubber boot.  They feature a M8x1, 4 pin connector.   The current meters (part […]

Types of Thermocouples

A wide variety of thermocouple types exist, each reading temperature by measuring a voltage generated by the difference between two dissimilar electrical conductors that form an electrical junction.  The voltage is generated as a result of the Seebeck effect, and is measurable to be interpreted into a temperature. Thermocouples are: Interchangeable, utilizing standard connectors Measure […]

Chart Recorder Mounting Styles

Palmer Circular Chart Recorders are available in five different case mounting styles.  Select the one most appropriate for your application. Reference the above dimensions for each mounting style sketch. Wall Mount Wall mount recorders come with hangers attached, allowing you to mount your recorder with 1/4 inch diameter screws, with the back of the box […]

Custom Designed Solutions

As the manufacturer, Palmer Wahl is able to provide our extensive experience to our customers.  Our personnel have years of experience in a variety of industries, with familiarity of an assortment of applications. Many of our existing products can be modified to meet special requirements, or we can work with you to create a product […]

Handheld Heat Prober Probe Connectors

Palmer Wahl offers an assortment of handheld probes to fit Thermocouple and RTD handheld meters.  Our Heat Prober Hand Held RTD probes have different connectors to fit our Heat Prober meters. Thermocouple Probes have the ANSI Mini-Connector for the appropriate thermocouple type of the probe. RTD probes are available with four different connectors: 4 Pin […]

How to setup a Zero point Temperature Bath

The following information is an excerpt from "Reproducibility of the temperature of the ice point in routine measurements" published by the Commerce Department, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 1995.  The complete document is available on their website. A properly prepared ice bath is one that consists of a cylindrical Dewar flask (a typical […]

Aluminum Case Chart Recorder Mounting Styles

Palmer Aluminum Case Circular Chart Recorders are available in temperature and pressure variations, with five different case mounting styles.  Select the one most appropriate for your application. Reference the above dimensions for each mounting style sketch. Wall Mount Wall mount recorders come with hangers attached, allowing you to mount your recorder with 1/4 inch diameter […]

CP Numbers, D Numbers, and PW Numbers

Are you trying to locate a part you already have?  Palmer Wahl's engineering team creates special designs  If your part number begins with C, DP, or PW it is likely a special product that was custom designed for you.  If you need help identifying one of these parts, please contact us.

Digi-Stem® Quick Disconnect

Many of our Digi-Stem thermometers are available with Remote Probes to allow for installation in a variety of applications.  We offer two different types of Straight Quick Disconnect connectors:  standard (metal) quick disconnect hardware and thermoplastic polyurethane quick disconnectors.  Both connectors are IEC IP67 Rated. Please note that cables with molded connectors are made to […]

Liquid Actuated Remote Reading Dial Thermometer Bulbs

We offer both Mercury and Liquid actuated temperature systems in our Rigid & Remote Dial Thermometer systems.  Find drawings and descriptions of the liquid actuated temperature bulb styles available below. 81 Series Remote Bulbs for Remote Reading Dial Thermometers - Liquid Actuated 1B Liquid Filled Case Compensated Thermal System. These temperature systems are filled with […]

Mercury Actuated Remote Reading Dial Thermometer Bulbs

We offer both Mercury and Liquid actuated temperature systems in our Rigid & Remote Dial Thermometer systems.  Find drawings and descriptions of the temperature bulb styles available below. 51 Series Remote Bulbs for Remote Reading Dial Thermometers - Mercury Actuated 5B Mercury Filled Case Compensated Thermal Systems For ranges over 500°F mercury is used in […]

Temperature Recorder Bulbs

Temperature bulbs for temperature chart recorders are available in the different configurations shown below. Note: All mercury filled systems conform to ASME 5B.  Non-mercury systems conform to 1A with capillary over 30 feet and 1B with capillary under 30 feet.  Mercury and Non-Toxic filled systems are constructed of 304 stainless steel and have a maximum […]

FDA Final Rule 21 CFR Part 113

Title 21 of the US Code of Federal Regulations concerns the FDA department of Health & Human Services and how they regulate food for human consumption.  Part 113 of the title specifically concerns Thermally Processed Low-Acid Foods packaged in hermetically sealed containers. Visit the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21 page for more information. […]