Aluminum Case Differential Pressure Circular Chart Recorders, 12 Inch

Please review the order guide and specify the rotation speed, differential pressure range, static pressure range, and temperature range for this item in order to receive a complete quotation.


Designed primarily for use in the oil and gas industry, differential pressure recorders are also ideal for monitoring flow, filtration, and liquid levels.  Differential Pressure Recorders are sometimes called Orifice Recorders.

Palmer Differential Pressure Circular Chart Recorders are durable, fully mechanical units with a low maintenance design. Our Model 524 Differential Pressure Recorder incorporates an edge welded rupture proof pressure cell for up to 30% added lifespan and greatly improved linearity.

The heavy aluminum, die cast and powder coated cases are all-welded construction to prevent deterioration are available in 12 inch chart sizes.  Palmer Differential Pressure Recorders has a 9-7/16 inch arc line and are fully compatible and interchangeable with the famous maker model charts.

Available with up to 3 pens: one differential pressure, one static pressure, and one temperature.

Pipestand mount only.

Our circular chart recorders are built with weatherproof construction, including a heavy lockable door with weatherstripping, with or without a window.  Designed for outdoor use, the rugged design withstands high levels of vibration and includes one-half inch screened air vent holes in the case, adjustable door pull latch with available locking hasp, all stainless steel corrosion resistant internals, and micro-adjustable wire linkage.

Low pressure elements for ranges 30 PSI and below are 316SS bellows diaphragm, tubing, and fittings.  Standard pressure elements for ranges over 30 to 10,000 PSI are made from 316SS helical coil with stainless steel fittings and tubing, and have 1/4 inch NPT fitting.  High pressure elements for ranges above 10,000 PSI are made from 316SS bourdon tube with autoclave fitting.  High pressure elements are calibrated on the rise only.

All temperature systems for Differential Pressure recorders are Mercury Free.  Temperature ranges up to 600°F are available, with 10 feet of capillary standard.  Choose from our available Non-Toxic or Hydrocarbon Fill temperature bulb configurations.

Choose a recorder drive to configure your recorder.  Our most popular option is the PC-11 C-Cell battery powered, eleven speed motor with speeds of 60 minutes, 96 minutes, 12 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours, 7 days, 8 days, 14 days, 16 days, 31 days or 32 days.  Our PC-12 C-Cell battery powered, twelve speed motor offers speeds of 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 2 hours, 4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, 3 days, 4 days, and 7 days.

Palmer Differential Chart recorders use scannable disposable fine point felt tipped pens.  Standard pen colors are DP - Red, Static Pressure - Blue or Black, and Temperature - Green.  *Please note that differential recorders use AR-3713 series pens.  Contact us for help in selecting the correct chart for your application.

View our Differential Pressure Chart Recorder Order Guide to see details of all the available options.

All Palmer Circular Chart Recorders are built to order in our Asheville, NC factory.

Mercury Free Option


Arc Line

9 & 7/16 inches.
DP Pen tracks arc line.

Case Material

Heavy die-cast aluminum with draw pull latch/hasp and corrosion resistant internals.

Case Finish

White Gloss Powder Coat Standard
Black Matte or Gray Gloss Powder Coat available upon request.

Battery Powered Recorder Drives

PC-11, eleven speed motor with speeds at: 60 minutes, 96 minutes, 12 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours, 7 days, 8 days, 14 days, 16 days, 31 days, or 32 days with OFF option.

PC-12, twelve speed motor with speeds at: 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 2 hours, 4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, 3 days, 4 days, and 7 days, with NO OFF option.

Mounting Options

Pipestand Mounted Only

Door Style

Door with Instrument Glass Window
Door with Plexiglass Window
Solid Door
Door with Safety Glass Window

Door Options

Door Stop, steel, hinge-style, 10 inch support hinge

Pressure Process Connection

Standard: 1/4 inch NPT for pressure ranges at or below 10,000 PSI.
Optional: 1/2 inch NPT.
Autoclave fitting:
Standard for 0 to 15,000 PSI, 0 to 20,000 PSI, and 0 to 30,000 PSI ranges.
Optional for 0 to 10,000 PSI.

Pen Colors

Scannable Pens.
Standard DP Pen: Red,
Standard Static Pressure Pen: Blue or Black.
Standard Temperature System Pen: Green.

12 inch Case Dimensions

Including DP Cell: H: 15-13/16 inches x W: 13-1/16 inches x D: 13 inches. H; 401.66 mm x W: 331.8 mm x D: 330.2 mm

12 inch Case Weight

Including DP Cell: 55 lbs. (24.94 kg)

Number of Systems

Maximum of Three: One Differential Pressure, One Static Pressure (optional), and One Temperature (optional).

DP Actuator Range Availability

0 to 20 inches of water
0 to 50 inches of water
0 to 100 inches of water
0 to 200 inches of water
0 to 300 inches of water
0 to 400 inches of water

DP Actuator Accuracy

+/- 1.0% of Full Scale

DP Actuator Temperature Limit

-40° to 180°F (-40° to 82°C)

DP Actuator Recording Mechanism

All Stainless Steel parts for longer field life

DP Actuator Maximum Non-Linearity

+/- 0.5%

DP Actuator Repeatability

+/- 0.20%

DP Actuator Pressure Element

Dual Bellows: 316L SST

DP Actuator Bellows Fill

Mineral Oil

DP Actuator Safe Working Pressure

2,500 PSI (172 Bar) Maximum

DP Actuator Housing/Center Plate

Forged Steel AISI C1018

DP Actuator Housing Seals

Fiber Gasket

DP Actuator Torque Tube Material

Beryllium Copper, Hermetically sealed to eliminate friction and leakage

DP Actuator Torque Tube Rotation

8 degrees, +/- 10%

DP Actuator Range Springs


DP Actuator Bolts

AISI 4140, per ASTM A 320 L7M, Grade 8

DP Actuator Cleaning


Static Pressure Element: PSI Pressure Ranges

0 to 1 PSI
0 to 3 PSI
0 to 5 PSI
0 to 6 PSI
0 to 8 PSI
0 to 10 PSI
0 to 15 PSI
0 to 20 PSI
0 to 25 PSI
0 to 30 PSI
0 to 35 PSI
0 to 45 PSI
0 to 50 PSI
0 to 60 PSI
0 to 75 PSI
0 to 100 PSI
0 to 120 PSI
0 to 150 PSI
0 to 200 PSI
0 to 250 PSI
0 to 300 PSI
0 to 350 PSI
0 to 400 PSI
0 to 500 PSI
0 to 600 PSI
0 to 750 PSI
0 to 800 PSI
0 to 1,000 PSI
0 to 1,500 PSI
0 to 2,000 PSI
0 to 2,500 PSI
0 to 3,000 PSI
0 to 4,000 PSI
0 to 5,000 PSI
0 to 6,000 PSI
0 to 8,000 PSI
0 to 10,000 PSI
0 to 15,000 PSI
0 to 20,000 PSI
0 to 25,000 PSI
0 to 30,000 PSI
3 to 15 PSI

Static Pressure Element: Bar Pressure Ranges

0 to 6 Bar
0 to 10 Bar
0 to 16 Bar
0 to 25 Bar
0 to 40 Bar
0 to 50 Bar
0 to 60 Bar
0 to 100 Bar
0 to 160 Bar
0 to 200 Bar
0 to 250 Bar
0 to 300 Bar
0 to 400 Bar
0 to 500 Bar
0 to 600 Bar

Static Pressure Element: Accuracy

± 1/2 chart division for static pressure measurements.

Static Pressure Element: Material

316SS bellow diaphragm or helical coil bourdon tube with SS fittings and tubing.

Temperature Element: Non-Toxic Filled °C Ranges

0° to 60°C
0° to 100°C
0° to 120°C
0° to 150°C
0° to 200°C
0° to 250°C

Temperature Element: Hydrocarbon Filled °C Ranges

0° to 60°C
0° to 100°C
0° to 120°C
0° to 150°C
0° to 200°C
0° to 250°C
0° to 300°C

Temperature Element: Non-Toxic Filled °F Ranges

-30° to 120°F
0° to 120°F
0° to 150°F
0° to 200°F
0° to 250°F
0° to 300°F
0° to 400°F
0° to 500°F

Temperature Element: Hydrocarbon Filled °F Ranges

-30° to 120°F
0° to 100°F
0° to 120°F
0° to 150°F
0° to 200°F
0° to 250°F
0° to 300°F
0° to 400°F
0° to 500°F
0° to 600°F

Temperature Element: Material

300 Series stainless steel bulb, interconnection capillary, and armor (depending on design).

Temperature Element: Capillary

316SS Flex Armored Capillary, 1/4 inch diameter. 10 feet included.
Non-Toxic Filled Systems: Up to 15 feet.
Hydrocarbon Filled Systems: Up to 30 feet.
Call for Systems from 31 to 99 feet.

Temperature Element: Accuracy

+/- 1 chart graduation


Clip-down Chart Hub, includes hex key