Temperature Products
High Performance Precision 5 Point Calibrators for 392AHP Meters
Human Skin Temperature Portable Black Body Infrared Calibration Unit
Industrial Utility Thermometer
Infrared or Thermal Imager Calibration at Skin Temperatures
Inor Digital Head Mount Temperature Transmitters
Inor Head Mount HART Smart Temperature Transmitters
Inor Head Mount Specialty Dual Input, HART Smart Temperature Transmitters
Inor Transmitter Configuration Kits
Micro Four Position IC Batch/Vacuum Chamber Temp-Plate® Temperature Sensitive Labels
Micro Round Temp-Plate® Temperature Sensitive Labels
Mini Round Four Position Round IC Batch/Vacuum Chamber Temp-Plate® Temperature Sensitive Labels
Micro Three Position Temp-Plate® Temperature Sensitive Labels
Mini Round Temp-Plate® Temperature Sensitive Labels
Narrow Case Industrial Thermometers, 7AA Series
Portable Dry Well Calibrator
PR Electronics Field Mounted Transmitters
PR Electronics In Head Transmitters
Precision 5 Point Calibrators for 392A Meters
Precision Plug-In Type Thermocouple Field Calibrators
R40 Protection Windows for Air Purge
R60 Air Purge
R60 Series Rooftop Mount with Flange Assembly
R60 Series Rooftop Mount with Gravity Assembly
R60 Surface Mount Bracket, Fixed
R60 Surface Mount Bracket, Adjustable
R40 & R60 Series Sighting Tubes
R40 & R60 Series Thermocouple IR Tubes
R40 & R60 Series Wall Mount Flange